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Usquaebach Old Rare Blended Scotch Whisky

Usquaebach Old Rare Blended Scotch Whisky

750 ML


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Usquaebach” (Oos: Ke: Bah) was derived from the ancient Gaelic phrase, “uisge beatha” meaning water of life, from which the word “whisky” is derived. Usquaebach, once reserved only for royalty, aristocrats, and notables, was first introduced in the United States at the 1969 presidential inauguration. The origin of Usquaebach traces back to the early 16th century, during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots. Robert Burns immortalized it in his poem, Tam O’Shanter, with the line “Wi Usquaebae, we’ll face the de’il (devil)”.
750 ML