Gran Sociedad Joven is a high-quality Tequila produced in an artisanal way, in the fields of Los Altos de Jalisco, a privileged land where the best tequilas are created. Using only Agaves from the Tepatitlán region, which mature in a lap period that takes between 6 to 8 years, giving its particular citrus, fruit and floral notes that can only be provided by this land.
After decades of producing the finest tequila in Mexico, in the rich region of Los Altos de Jalisco, where the land provides unique qualities to agaves, we have discovered that there are elements that can be controlled in order to bring the maximum expression in every stage of the process, and that there are elements that cannot be controlled; such as mother earth natural elements, which are both different and unique each year and provide that special touch to each of our harvests.
Paying special attention to constantly monitoring the mother plants, from which the lineage comes by being strengthened with strong and sugar-rich agaves "hijuelos" (sons) which grow naturally thanks to their origin. The entire process is done manually, taking care of every step, and using ancient techniques such as the stone “Tahona”, masonry ovens and alembics with a copper soul, but the final touch of this special tequila is done by nature, that’s why every harvest is different, and every batch is numbered.
Gran Sociedad Tequila has varied, and complex tasting notes created to be savored slowly while discovering unique flavors and aromas.
Tasting Notes:
Taste: Smooth and balanced with a slight sweetness from the cooked agave. Vanilla notes and moderate notes of honey, caramel, chocolate, and spices predominate.
Aroma: Citrus, fruit and floral notes, the natural Agave emerges.
Body: Bright platinum, crystalline tears, long legs, and a dense body.