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Avorza Polish Vodka 750 ML

Avorza Polish Vodka 750 ML

750 ML


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Born by night, designed in the US, created in Poland: the best ingredients are the basis, but only firm conviction, the search for perfection and total dedication can make it a statement.
Between the bar and the dance floor, Avorza Vodka combines the extravagance of nightlife with the culture of the bar and the characteristic of pure taste. An authentic liquor, as timeless as contemporary. An insider tip that is spreading like wildfire among the scene and gastronomers.
40% ABV / 80 Proof
750 ML

Produced in Poland, the country of origin of vodka. The original traditional polish vodka recipe is the guarantee of a first-class premium product.

Only the best raw materials are used for the crystal-clear spirit: the basis is the purest water from our own spring, which has already existed since the cretaceous period, and aromatic local rye. Avorza Vodka is made from high quality, natural, locally grown and pure rye and flawless clear water from our own spring that has been flowing for more than 400 million years.

Whereas the idea for Avorza Vodka comes from the us, the ingredients for this European quality product are traditionally produced and processed in Poland, the birthplace of vodka.

Here, far more than just another premium vodka is created distilled with great dedication and filtered several times, nothing is ever left to chance.

With its genuine taste and excellent quality, Avorza Vodka is not only the ideal basis for cocktails and long drinks, but also a real delight on the rocks or pure.

This is the key to the uniquely mild and unadulterated character of our ultra-premium avorza vodka.